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Canada ends temporary public policy allowing visitors to apply for work permits from within the country

Ottawa, August 28, 2024—Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has ended a temporary public policy that allowed visitors to apply for a work permit from within Canada, effective immediately.

IRCC introduced the policy in August 2020 to help visitors who were unable to leave the country due to COVID-19 pandemic–related travel restrictions. Under the policy, visitors in Canada could apply for a work permit without having to leave the country. In addition, foreign nationals who had held a work permit in the previous 12 months but who changed their status in Canada to “visitor” could apply to work legally in Canada while waiting for a decision on their new work permit application.

While the temporary policy was set to expire on February 28, 2025, IRCC is ending the policy as part of our overall efforts to recalibrate the number of temporary residents in Canada and preserve the integrity of the immigration system. IRCC is also aware that some bad actors were using the policy to mislead foreign nationals into working in Canada without authorization.

IRCC will continue to process applications submitted before August 28, 2024 under the policy.

Please visit our website for information onhow to apply for a work permit.